If I didn't mention it before, I am absolutely horrible about updating blogs.
Lots happened since my last post. We were going to move -- so we were very busy apartment hunting. We FINALLY found a place, but when we went to switch over the insurance and stuff, the costs wanted to double (who'd have thought that insurance rates in PA are double that in NJ?) so we had to pull the plug on the whole thing.
Of course, by then, we were half packed -- so then we had to UNpack. Then cleaning and cleaning. In between all of that, lots of overtime for me. Then undoing what had already been arranged.
Then last week, my husband's brother passed away suddenly. Rocky was more a brother to me than a brother-in-law -- and he was only 45. So last week was difficult. We are all okay though -- and we know that Rocky is in a better place.
So -- happy holiday weekend! Stay safe!