Thursday, May 19, 2011

Too cool

Just for fun, I was poking around on facebook and I decided to send a short note to Michael O'Leary, who used to play Rick Bauer on The Guiding Light. This daytime soap was my absolute favorite, and I followed it for over 30 years, beginning in the mid 70's, when I would watch it after school with my mother. I didn't send him a friend request or anything (I don't want to come across like some crazy stalker fan) but I DID tell him how much I missed seeing him on GL. I actually got a note back! Pretty cool! I told him he should have a fans page, because I can't possibly be his only fan.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A shameless plug

Just in case anyone is actually reading my blog, check out Ree's "Pioneer Woman Cooks" site! Terrific recipes!